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Perfect Oil Therapy for Less Hair Fall

Hair fall is a headache for most of the girls and ladies in 30s and 40s. This could be due to high work and life stress and our unhealthy daily routine. Even though there are ample treatments to address this issue, the main problem lies with having enough leisure time to take care of our hair. Below I have introduced you a very simple and effective hair care oil. It will only take around 20 minutes for the preparation. The secret ingredient is curry leaves. They are one of the best ingredients to moisture the scalp and also acts as an antioxidant. Contents like beta-carotene and protein also helps in minimizing hair loss and hair thinning. If it is harder to find some, you can have them from your nearby Indian or Sri Lankan grocery store. Curry leaves are very popular in Asian countries and mostly they are being used for cooking.


  • Curry leaves 
  • White Coconut oil or Olive oil (around 1 cup for one week)
  • Castor oil (2 tbs - only if you prefer)


  • Wash the curry leaves properly and let it sun dry until all the moisture is evaporated.
  • Once the leaves are fully dried (no moisture contained), grind them properly.
  • Heat the oil under lowest flame.
  • After around 30 seconds add castor oil and mix properly.
  • When the oil becomes a little hot (after 1 minute), add the ground curry leave into it and let it for 3-4 minutes.
  • The oil will become green when the oil heats.
  • Once you feel sufficient, turn off the flame and let it be until it is fully cooled.
  • Once the oil is fully cooled, strain the oil and put it into a glass bottle. 
  • If you have some fenugreek at home, put some seeds into the oil bottle (Fenugreek seeds are consisted with excellent conditioning properties that reduces the dryness of hair).

  • Apply this oil twice a week and massage the scalp for 10 minutes.
  • Keep it for another 30 minutes and wash it off properly. 

PS:  Not recommend to use if you are having hay fever, sore throat, cold or any other allergies.

 Try this out !

 You may see the results in one month of use.

 You already are beautiful girl !

 Keep shining...




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